Thursday, November 13, 2008

I hate veggies

I used to be a really good eater. I liked veggies. I liked fruit, I very rarely ate processed garbage and prescribed to the whole foods movement for the most part. Ever since I got pregnant it's like nothing tastes good to me but junk. Now that's not to say I am eating McDs for every meals, I am not. But I have eaten so much cereal and balony sandwichs and trader joes frozen thingies that I can't remember the last time I ate a leafy green. Not good for a pregnancy. Is it totally bad that my baby during it's formative first 12 weeks was growing on McDs soft serve ice cream and cheetos? I try to eat veggies at dinner but they just don't appeal to me anymore. I will eat a salad no problem, but my old standbys of squash, asparagus and green beans taste gross to me now. What the hell.


The Salty One said...

The first tri I ate all kinds of things I NEVER eat--like mac n cheese every day! It's a tough time and you need to do what you need to do to get through it. Now though, try your best to eat well. The most important thing is to get 80-100g of protein a day. That is definitely a lot, but it is what the baby needs for both brain and body development. Here is a link to a daily food diary that might help you get on track: It has how much protein is in common foods and guidelines for what you should try to eat each day/week. I never did eat a whole baked potato three times a week or two eggs every single day, but otherwise I've been fairly good about sticking with it. Maybe that's because it allows a lot of ice cream :)

Clare said...

i LOVE trader joe's...if you look around a lot of their stuff is surprisingly not so bad for you! and when i didn't want to think about actually cooking something (which continues today!) it was a lot healthier than fast food or some other alternatives i considered.

Josh Middleton said...

Squash always tasted gross to me. I'd say every person walking around today subsisted on McDonalds at some points during their embryonic stage. Don't worry about it!

Michelle Simmons said...

I was all about cheese and butter. What could I eat that I could put cheese and butter on? I never do that now. ;) You'll get back to your old habits in no time...

N.D. said...

I am also all about cheese and butter. I used to eat spinach salads and make veggies every night. Now they have to be smothered in cheese and butter.

jessica said...

I've found my taste varies over the 9 months, so the trick for me was to go with it temporarily, but to not get stuck in bad habits. It's sad, but I feel like as long as I eat as well as I expect my 2-year-old to eat, I can't be doing that badly (fortunately, she's a pretty healthy eater)!

Oh, and if you're not liking the squash so much but still want those same vitamins, you could try pumpkin or butternut in sweeter recipes (I add pumpkin, nuts, and spices to my oatmeal -- yum).

Chelsea said...

I was the same way and look Lucy turned out perfect!