Wednesday, February 11, 2009

30 weeks

30 weeks today. For some reason that number really scares me. It’s not that I’ve been ignoring my pregnancy, but it just doesn’t seem very real some days. I’m sure when you are horribly sick it seems a lot more real, but I have been very lucky. Just tired and gassy J It’s normal to get all paranoid now and be convinced something is wrong right? I just keep thinking the baby isn’t moving much anymore. A few weeks ago I was getting crazy movements and could see my belly moving, but now I get maybe once or twice a day of some strong kicks. How do I know if she is moving enough? I asked the doctor, but he wasn’t a ton of help. The heartbeat was good on Monday, so we’re probably fine, but I just miss the baby going crazy at night while I lay in bed.


Michelle Simmons said...

There were definitely days in my pregnancy when Moana didn't move much at all. That's normal though now and I think I read that as long as you get one or two strong kicks a day, you're fine. It's also normal to start worrying a lot more now as the time gets closer. ;)

Angela and David said...

Yep, it's normal to start worrying a lot more. And as the baby gets bigger in your belly you'll notice the movements less because they just don't have room to move as much.

Angela said...

you can do the kick count test as well. Drink a small amount of liquid...lay on your left side (I believe that's right) and count the number of movements you feel. Not just kicks, but any baby movement. If I'm remembering correctly it's something like 5 or more movements in a 10 minute period. If you're really that worried call your ob, they can tell you the number. But really, baby is growing and space is at a minimum. Don't stress.

Clare said...

normal. usually if i poked around enough i could elicit a kick or a squirm for peace of mind but i definitely remember moments of panic where i thought, it's been too long! and i never felt ok in the morning til i had the first kick.

N.D. said...

I remember that - it was kind of sad. just make sure shes moving at least a bit each day

KATIE said...

The movement really slowed down during the last 6 to 8 weeks of my pregnancy. They run out of room! Whenever I panicked I would down a glass of water or juice, lay down on my left side and just chill. Usually when I calmed down and got still I would notice more movement. Sometimes I just think you don't notice when you are busy. The kicks aren't as ninja like in the end when they have no where to go! If you ever do get worried though, call your doctor. I did that once and went in for a non-stress-test. I felt so much better being reassured that she WAS moving and was fine. :-) Hang in there!